How Can YOU and YOUR Family
Benefit from Ayurveda?

Hello and welcome!

Even if you know nothing about Ayurveda and holistic medicine, maybe not even what these words mean, don't worry. The basic Ayurvedic principles can help everybody. Since it is one of the oldest holistic medicines in the world, people have benefited from its wisdom for over 5,000 years (if something has been around for that long, it has to work, right?)

This site is intended to share my passion for Ayurveda and give you an insight into what I believe are the greatest gifts that this holistic medicine has to offer.

What is Holistic Medicine?

The word “holistic” comes from the word “whole” and means exactly that. Holistic medicine looks at you as a whole person and not just a sum of individual parts. When you have a problem/imbalance, let's say with digestion, holistic medicine wants to know what's going on with you as a whole. Which will help to determine what is the root of the problem.


“Ayurveda treats the whole person, not just the organ or system involved.”

-Dr. Vasant Lad, Textbook of Ayurveda

What is Ayurveda, actually?

Ayurveda literally means “Knowledge of Life” and is over 5,000 year old medical system from India. According to this medical system, everything on this planet (including our bodies & minds) consist of five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space. Every individual is a unique combination of these five elements. Disease develops when we disconnect from nature, when we forget where we come from and who we truly are. Ayurveda helps us to understand our unique constitution, so we know which foods, activities, yoga poses, etc are the best for us.

“The aim of Ayurvedic medicine is to integrate and balance the body, mind, and spirit. This is believed to help prevent illness and promote wellness.” -The National Institutes of Health

What Are the Benefits of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine?

When you live in harmony with nature, you are dis-ease free, balanced, and happy. You have to reconnect with the nature's rhythms to restore this balance.

Routine is one of the most important aspects in this holistic medicine. You have probably experienced it yourself, when you have a good routine, life seems to flow and there somehow is more time in the day. Ayurvedic Daily Routines (you can think of them as your grandma's wisdom) will start making you and your loved ones feel better immediately.

Once you get your Daily Routines down, you can start implementing some of the Healthy Eating Habits as well. Just these simple changes and you are off to a great start. Of course, Ayurveda is much more than Routine and Eating Habits, but think of these as the roots to better health and well-being.

Every root needs nourishing soil to feed and strengthen the roots. Without healthy, nutritious, soft soil, nothing grows. The soil consists of:

Slowing Down
Being Present

Make your life into meditation. Try to remember your breath anytime you can.



Even if it's just for a second. Realize you are in the present moment. Be grateful. This might be a challenge at first, but I promise it will become second nature in no time. “Practice makes the master.”

I hope this website will help you to incorporate Ayurveda into your daily life and that you will start experiencing the wellness benefits immediately. You can find out how this amazing holistic system came into my life at my personal story page. Please do share your stories, so others can learn from your experience. I always love to hear from you.

May your life path be adventurous, healthy and happy.

Barbora Signature


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How This Holistic Medicine Changed My Life
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The place for your questions and comments about Ayurveda Holistic Medicine
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100x washed ghee

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"I got your 100x washed ghee from my son Patrick. I was really impressed with the results. I haven’t had anything this fantastic on my face before! I have a daughter who also suffers from eczema and I cannot wait for her to also try it. Really amazing product."- Regina Stajerova, Czech Republic 

"I use the 100x washed ghee as a moisturizer and on tiny eczema patches I get once in a while. I also give it to my mother who uses it on her psoriasis. She calls it 'liquid gold.'" -Mary, Massachusetts, United States 

"Barbora. I've received the second shipment of the 100x washed ghee. It's great, thank you. I am recommending it to several people with skin problems. I have an appointment with my dermatologist this week. I have waited for four months for the appointment. Same facial rash and itch for more that 5 years..many rx, costly meds that have not helped. With less than two weeks of twice a day of the 100x washed ghee, my skin is soft and the long suffering rash is gone!! Amazing!! I will be back and order more for sure. Thank you so much for sending the second container... I would not have realized just how great this stuff is. Thanks" -Lauren, Virginia, United States 

"I bought a small jar of the 100x washed ghee at the workshop in Prague and I am completely crazy about it. I cannot imagine my evening (and sometimes even morning) without it. It's incredibly soothing. I have a beautiful skin now and I am not the only one who have noticed it:-). I had a friend visiting the other day and she wanted to take it away from me! So, now I need to buy one jar also for her." -Katka Tizkova, Czech Republic 

"I have ordered the larger jar, because I have already used up the small 100x washed ghee I purchased. It did wonders for my skin and my rosacea. You have a wonderful product, you can be very proud of. Thank you, Barbora!" -Deborah Birnbaum, Texas 

"I just started using your product and I love it! It's decreased my fine lines and lightened my dark spots from sun damage. I've tried many products for my sun damage and nothing works like your ghee. I could literally tell the difference the first week of using it." -Susan, California, United States 

"Just wanted to say that after four years of having severe painful rosacea your washed ghee has returned my fragile skin close to its previous state before the rosacea in only a few days. I am so grateful. Thank you."-Evangeline Feary, Australia 

"Hi Barbora, let me start by telling you I truly appreciate you sharing this beautiful product 100x washed ghee. My dosha is vata and I have extremely sensitive and dry skin. 100x washed ghee is the best product I have ever used. I love the cool feeling I experience when applying it to my face and throat. It is so soothing, moisturizing, my skin is more even toned with a youthful appearance, even taking away the fine line and wrinkles from my 59 year old face. I hope to never be without this miracle product. I use it every night as nighttime treatment and wake up with younger looking soft baby skin. Again, thank-you! 100x washed ghee is a true blessing."-Diana Scott, Texas, United States

"Thank you for your product. I like using the 100x washed ghee, because my skin gets healed from within and it provides calmness to it. It has also put luster to my skin and has improved its evenness. I have been using it for almost 10 months now and will continue to do so." - Rahul, Texas, United States

"I was having a lot of issues with my skin over the past year with many dry patches no matter what product I tried. I came across your website and decided to try the 100x washed ghee since I have used ghee in food for years. I love it! It almost immediately cleared up my dry patches and is not greasy. Thank you for making this wonderful product."-Ashika, New Jersey, United States 

"Dear Barbora, just wanted to let you know that my parcel arrived today morning. I was able to try my 100x washed ghee already. It is beautiful,just soaked into my thirsty dry skin. I'm so grateful. God bless you, Barbora" - Barbara Nowicka, Australia