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Two weeks ago we finished our 12th season of the detox retreats in the Czech Republic. I am always at awe how well this detox works on all the levels (physical, mental, spiritual. . . ) and how much all the wonderful people that come to spend this valuable time with us change. They glow. They feel lighter and happier and you can see it on their faces. They come to share their stories, breathe the prana, breathe out the stress and at the end are closer to who they TRULY are. Thank you all for your presence. For your honesty and realness.
I have also again realized the importance of high quality products that we not only eat, but also put on our skin. One of my old time favorites, of course, the miraculous 100x washed ghee. You just need a tiny bit at the end of the day to keep your skin fresh, younger looking and moist. You can try for yourself.
Continue reading "12th Season of the Detox retreats is over"
Spring is finally here, at least in the Czech republic. With the spring comes our need for more greens, lighter food, less sugar and heavy food. Our body wants to naturally detox. You can help it with the foods that you eat and your lifestyle activities. Try to lighten up your diet, include more vegetables, less meat and dairy, more exercise and meditation. You can end your meals with a 1/3 tsp of turmeric to clean your digestive system and decrease your need for sweets. Enjoy the warmth. Barbora
Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to overcome it and move beyond.
Join us for this day full of yoga, meditation, quiet and just being.
Continue reading "Yoga Workshop in Decin, Czech Republic, March 18, 2017"
This winter in the Czech Republic has been very very long. Finally, the sun is stronger again and the first flowers are starting to bloom. SO excited to see them.
Remember that Spring is one of the best times of the year to clean your body and mind, so try our simple Kichari recipe for a gentle cleanse.
Proper digestion is the key to good health. Follow these easy Ayurvedic Diet guidelines and enjoy the positive changes in your life. Healthy eating is fun!
Continue reading "Basic Ayurvedic Diet Tips Help to Improve Your Health and Well-Being"
I am from Kerala and studying in New Zealand now. Please find my recipe that I follow for last 2-3 months with slight variations each time for taste.
I am a beginner and have learned this pose through Bikrim. My work is physically demanding and this pose stretches my shoulders in ways I can not achieve
Start kneeling on all fours. Bring one leg forward with your heel fitting into your groin. Stretch the other leg out behind you flat to the floor with
Ayurveda offers us the most amazing detox cleanse that is very gentle on the body and yet amazingly effective. After this ayurvedic cleanse you will feel lighter, younger and happier.
Continue reading "Powerful Detox Cleanse based on Ayurveda Panchakarma"
Looking at holistic medicine's wisdom through the eyes of Ayurveda. Enjoy the benefits of holistic living and realize how wonderful life is.
Continue reading "Ayurveda, the Oldest Holistic Medicine, Answers Your Health Questions"
My personal story about the power of the holistic medicine Ayurveda.
Continue reading "How This Holistic Medicine Changed My Life "
Ingredients: 3 chopped tomatoes Chopped green beans Chopped cilantro 12-15 curry leaves 1 t spoon turmeric 1 t spoon cumin 1 t spoon cinnamon powder Pepper
Time flies. I have a 9 months old daughter and don't know where the last 9 months went. One thing I learned, though, is when I want to slow down time, I just need to be present. Really present with every single moment, with every activity I do, from washing dishes to changing her diapers. Then the time slows down. This is what Denali has taught me.
I am on peak of Vata dosha now, which has affected my whole nervous system and spine due to a year long negligence. Natarajasana helps me to get rid of
Also, child's pose for calming and restoring energies
Continue reading "I am Pitta Vatta /Vatta Pitta...Shavasana is life saving! Life gracing"
This is kind of a forward balancing move with one foot on the ground and the other grasped with same side hand. I think vatas might like this because it
Is your skin feeling dry, wrinkley and without luster? Then you have to try our best anti aging moisturizer - inspired by clients
Continue reading "Best Anti Aging Moisturizer That Feels Like Silk"
Some home health remedies can seem pretty complicated. Here are some that you already have around or that can be very easily created.
STEP-BY-STEP Kneel on the floor with your knees hip width and thighs perpendicular to the floor. Rotate your thighs inward slightly, narrow your hip points,
Join us for these practical holistic workshops that will help you make ayurveda part of your every day life.
Schedule an ayurveda consultation and improve your health and well-being. Get to the root of your imbalance with Ayurveda Holistic Medicine.
Join us for a wonderful gentle yoga in Dum Jogy starting next Thursday, May 24 at 9AM. For a complete schedule of next yoga classes, please visit
A list of healthy foods to eat that satisfy each one of the Ayurveda body types. Eat right for your type!
Continue reading "Healthy Foods to Eat - Eat Right for Your Type "
One of the funniest talks I have heard in a long time and so so true! Ken Robinson says to "educate the WHOLE being" and I say "treat the WHOLE being." We are talking about the SAME thing.
Continue reading "When you deal with human beings you have to always look at the "whole""
Fill out this ayurveda consultation form to schedule an ayurvedic consultation with Ayurveda Holistic Medicine.
The place for your questions and comments about Ayurveda Holistic Medicine
Warm Cinnamon Almond Raisin Apple
Peel one apple, take the core out, cut in small pieces and place in a pot with about 1/4 cup of water. Sprinkle with cinnamon, add 7 almonds, 10 raisins and cook for about 5 minutes. Take the skin off the almonds, place in a bowl and sprinkle with natural sugar or other sweetener of your choice. Enjoy this delicious quick breakfast!
Use this simple ayurveda body type test to determine which one from the ayurveda body types you are
If changing bad habits is something that you really want, this is where to start.
Continue reading "Changing Bad Habits is Easier Than You Think"
In just an hour you can create Kichari. Every week you can vary the vegetables and spices and create a new dish with the same simple steps of this amazing healthy recipe.
Continue reading "Kichari, One of the Most Delicious and Simplest Healthy Recipes"
Hello from beautiful Praha! I am enjoying my home town and teaching yoga at Dum Jogy on Tuesdays June 7 & 14, Thursdays, June 9 & 16 and Saturday, June 4.
Also offering Ayurvedic consultations at the beautiful Ayurmedic Center. Contact them for times & space available.
Following two weekends having fun with applying Ayurveda in our daily life with these two wonderful workshops:
11.-12.6.2011, Rejuvenate Your Body and Mind with Ayurveda, Dum Jogy, Prague, Czech Republic
This workshop already took place in February 2011 and for its great success, we are repeating it again. This workshop is very hands-on. Even though we will learn some basics of Ayurveda, most of the workshop is devoted to practical applications of Ayurveda in your daily life. My goal is for you to leave with many practical tips on how to take care of yourself. Not only your health, but also your skin, your body, and mostly your mind.
You will learn the basics of Ayurveda, Daily Routine, Healthy Eating Habits, practice self-massage with marmas (vital energy points) of face, head and feet. You will also practice some relaxing yoga, meditation and pranayama, breath exercises. You will leave the workshop rejuvenated and full of energy for your life!
18.-19.6.2011, Ayurvedic Diet and Detoxification, Dum Jogy, Prague, Czech Republic
Probably all of us have heard the saying:"You are what you eat" and nevertheless most of us are ignoring the saying. Often we are treating our body like a garbage can, where we throw in whatever we see around us. This workshop will help you to come back to a healthy natural diet with ease.
You will learn about ayurvedic cooking, spices and other healthy food supplements, which are appropriate for each ayurveda body type in each season.
You will also learn how to regularly detoxify your body & mind with PanchaKarma, a traditional ayurvedic detoxification system. This workshop is also useful for everybody who has some extra body weight, which doesn't seem to come off.
Looking for tips on sleep that really work? Try these simple suggestions and sleep like a baby.
Follow these simple instructions for Alternate Nostril Breathing. This technique quickly calms your body and mind and reduces stress.
Continue reading "Alternate Nostril Breathing, Anuloma Viloma, Simple Step-by-Step Guide"
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Red Beet Carrot Chips
These have to be the best chips I have ever had.
. . . and I must say that I am kind of chips expert, one of my weaknesses I guess :-)
What you need:
2 TBSP ghee or other oil
1 red beet, peeled, cut in half and sliced as thinly as possible
1 carrot, peeled, sliced as thinly as possible
Black pepper
Basil for decoration
Fry the individual slices of veggies in ghee until lightly brown. Before turning, sprinkle with some salt and black pepper.
Frying is little labor intensive, but SO worth it!
Enjoy :-)
Follow this Easy Recipe (with a picture of each step) and make clarified butter in 20 minutes. Ghee is the best and healthiest oil to use that takes years off your age!
Continue reading "Clarified Butter (Ghee) - Quick and Easy Step by Step Recipe "
Why am I not happy may seem like such a complicated question. And yet it has such a simple answer . . .
The best fall and winter light breakfast. Quick.
If you are looking for a fast yummy warming breakfast, here it is. Cut an apple into quarters, take the seeds out and place on a baking sheet. Sprinkle some cinnamon and put into the oven for 10-15 minutes at 375 degrees (until fork can go easily through). Take out, cool down for a couple of minutes and then pour some maple syrup over. Enjoy!
Oil Nose Drops are one of the simplest natural home remedies with many amazing health benefits.Nasya not only increases your immunity and uplifts your mood,but also has the following health benefits.
The best natural remedy for sore throat that has been successfully used by many of my clients.
Continue reading "Natural Remedy for Sore Throat That Works "
Improve Your Health by Incorporating These Healthy Eating Habits into Your Daily Routine
What You Do on Daily Basis Has a Huge Impact on Your Health. Follow These Daily Routines for Optimal Health
Leek-Cauliflower-Peas Dish
What you need:
1 medium cauliflower
1 leek
2 medium potatoes
1 cup of fresh or frozen peas
1/4 cup of freshly cut coriander leaves
3 TBSP of ghee or sunflower oil
1 tsp mustard seeds
1/4 tsp hing powder
1 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp sea salt
2 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp cumin powder
1/4 tsp cinnamon powder
1 TBSP maple or brown rice syrup
Wash the vegetables well and cut into small pieces. Heat ghee or oil in the medium pan. Add mustard seeds. When they pop, add turmeric, leek, potatoes, and 1/2 cup of water. Cover and cook over medium heat for 8-10 minutes.
Then add cauliflower and salt (also fresh peas if using fresh). Cover and cook additional 5 minutes.
Add remaining ingredients, except coriander leaves (also frozen peas if using those). Mix well and cook another 1-2 minutes.
Cardamom Basmati Rice
What you need:
1 cup basmati rice
1 tsp of cardamom seeds (empty the cardamom pods or buy already shelled)
Fry dry basmati rice over medium heat until slightly brown. Add cardamom seeds, 2 cups of water and cook on low heat until all the water is gone (about 15 minutes).
Serve with fresh coriander leaves.
The best natural remedy for sore throat is to gargle with turmeric and salt. Take about ½ cup of warm water (warm enough that you can drink it, but not too hot that it burns you), ½ tsp salt and about ¼ tsp powdered turmeric. You have to play with these proportions as it's slightly different for each individual and also not every salt and turmeric are the same. You should taste both the saltiness of the salt, as well as the bitterness of the turmeric. Neither of them should be overwhelming that you gag.
After you gargle, don't drink or eat anything for at least ½ hr for the salt and turmeric to do their job. You can repeat this as often as you need throughout the day.
Keep your throat happy!
One of the best treatments that you can do on yourself in this changing season is Nasya (Nose Oil).
It will oleate your nasal passages and the air that you will inhale will have more moisture and more Prana, the life force. It will also block the bacteria from entering the nasal passages and causing infection.
The proper way to insert the nose oil, is to first warm up it up and then insert 2-3 drops in each nostril. What works also well, and is much faster, is to put a drop of oil (sesame works well) on your pinky fingers and then rub it inside your nostrils. The best time to insert the nose oil is in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before bed. Nasya is also a great way to start your meditation, Yoga Poses, or Alternate Nostril Breathing.
When you insert the nose oil in your nose, try to breathe deeply for a couple of minutes and you will notice that your mind is also calmer and happier. No wonder that Nasya is also a great treatment for blue mood.
Enjoy the fall!
"Don't expect anything to happen and then everything will unfold." Dr. Vasant Lad, Pune India
Inspired by my friend Ellen Poppy
Boil 4 lemon leaves (break into quarters) and 2-3 stems of lemon grass (cut into 3-5 cm pieces) with 3/4-1 L of water for about 10 minutes.
Add 1 cup of each - cut celery root, chard, and broccoli, and 1-3 tsp of curry paste, 1 can of coconut milk, 1 tsp coriander powder, 1/2 tsp mustard seeds and boil for 10 minutes or so.
After 10 minutes, add 2 handfuls of frozen shrimp (can be omitted for vegetarian diet), 1-2 TBP of fresh lemon juice and boil for another 5 minutes. Decorate with fresh coriander leaves.
Serve with cooked rice (can cook it with veggie stock for more flavor).
Soups are wonderful light meals, because when individual items are cooked together, they take on each other's qualities and become easily digestible.
Enjoy ;-)
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