by Ryan Rivera
Anxiety is a mind/body condition and anxiety treatment is very important. It's one that develops for a variety of reasons and requires treatment, because anxiety tends to create itself.
Ideally, you want to treat anxiety without prescription medications. Pharmaceutical companies have developed medicines for anxiety treatment, but the side effects, long term treatment risk, and the personality changes that come with them make them much more of a last resort.
Ayurveda represents a potential natural way of looking at anxiety treatment. Ayurveda is both a mindset and a treatment, which is why those that follow the lifestyle put themselves in a strong place to find relief.
Traditionally, Ayurveda believes that anxiety is the result of sensory stimulation. This would explain why the modern world appears to be more anxious despite fewer dangers at any time in the past. Consider all of the following that exist today and how much sensory stimulation they cause:
· Television
· Smartphones
· Mp3 Players
It's not just technology either. The world itself is noisier. It has more unusual smells. You're surrounded by more visual information. Everything about the world today is filled with stimulation, and so Ayurveda sees that stimulation as overloading the senses, causing anxiety to develop.
Your own ability to reduce sensory stimulation is the first key. It's not going to cover everything, because that stimulation is everywhere. Even if you reduce it at your home and office, you'll still find that your nervous system experiences an overwhelming amount of sensory information simply from the world around you. But if you can cut out some smartphone time, TV time, noise, etc., you should find yourself at least slightly more relaxed.
· Yoga
Yoga, which is a sister science to Ayurveda, is also considered a profound coping tool for anxiety in both Ayurvedic medicine and Western Medicine. Yoga is a form of exercise that seems to have a strong relaxation component, in addition to a spiritual component that many find invaluable.
· Mantras
Mantras also play an important role in Ayurveda, and are another valuable tool for anxiety. Mantras are sounds you make while meditating that occupies your mind and provides you with a greater connection to yourself. Most people are familiar with "Ohm" but there are other mantras as well for those that want to try something new.
The reason that mantras are valuable is because they essentially drown out stimulation. While making these sounds, your mind is unable to focus on its nervous energy, your eyes are closed, sounds are drowned out, and your sense of touch is used for feeling the vibrations in your throat.
· Herbs
Nutrition plays a role in Ayurveda as well, and that means that those that truly hope to adapt to Ayurvedic medicine alter their diet and supplement intake. Nutmeg and Turmeric are some of the more well-known herbs that are used to treat anxiety. Others include Ayurvedic Ginseng, also known as Ashwagandha. It's best to talk to an Ayurvedic specialist before choosing which herbs to take because opinions can differ between experts.
These are only the beginnings of an effective ayurvedic anxiety treatment, and what makes it especially interesting is that many of the principles hold true in Western Medicine and science as well. Anxiety is a complex disorder – so complex that there is rarely a single anxiety treatment that works for everyone.
But if you're looking for a natural way to calm your anxiety, Ayurveda is certainly a great place to start.
About the Author: Ryan Rivera is a strong supporter of natural alternatives to modern medicine. He provides tips for anxiety treatment without medications.
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