Vata Dosha Characteristics

Vata dosha consists of Air and Space elements. When you think of the qualities of Air and Space, these are exactly the qualities that this dosha has.

Vata is:


The main function of the Vata in the body is movement. Nothing moves without it.

People with a dominant Vata dosha tend to be slim, with small frame and prominent bones. They are fast, changeable and often love any kind of movement, change and travel. They get easily bored when they stay too long at one place, be it a job, apartment, hobby and sometimes even partner.

They often work on multiple projects at once, but often don't finish them, as another, even more interesting, idea inspires them.

Their skin and hair tend to be thin & dry. They often feel cold and prefer warmth - warm foods, drinks and climates.

On the other hand, they are quite flexible (physically as well as in their minds), creative (often with amazing artistic talents), and can easily adopt to change.

When out of balance, their moods change like the wind, they are unstable, fearful, worried, experience lack of energy, and feel exhausted. They can experience lower back pain, join pain or headaches. Gas, bloating, and constipation are also often present.

When you have Vata in your constitution or currently have Vata imbalance (too much Vata), you will be experiencing many of these characteristics, but probably not all.

To help you figure out what is your Ayurvedic Body Type, take the Ayurvedic Body Type Test

Do You Need to Balance Vata?

  • Do you often feel worried, anxious and overwhelmed?
  • Do you often question yourself and feel insecure?
  • Is it difficult for you to fall asleep or you wake up often?
  • Do you wake up exhausted?
  • Do you often forget to eat and when you finally remember, you are starving?
  • Is it difficult for you to sit still and relax?
  • Are your skin & hair dry?
  • Are you experincing gas, bloating, or belching?
  • Do you have less than one bowel movement per day?
  • Do you forget easily and often feel 'spaced out'?
  • Is it hard for you to finish projects?

If you have answered yes to many of the questions above, then your Vata is high and you would greatly benefit from balancing it.

How to Balance Vata Dosha

Qualities of warm, oily, heavy, and stable are very important. If you have any Vata tendencies, try to memorize these qualities. They will help you to make better decisions in your daily life.

Since Vata is so changeable, Daily Routines are even more important for Vata than for any other of the Ayurveda Body Types.

Also daily self massage with sesame oil is very helpful.

Following a Vata pacifying diet is very important. From this list, focus mostly on foods that are in the Vata Favor column.

Keep your Vata happy!

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"I bought a small jar of the 100x washed ghee at the workshop in Prague and I am completely crazy about it. I cannot imagine my evening (and sometimes even morning) without it. It's incredibly soothing. I have a beautiful skin now and I am not the only one who have noticed it:-). I had a friend visiting the other day and she wanted to take it away from me! So, now I need to buy one jar also for her." -Katka Tizkova, Czech Republic 

"I have ordered the larger jar, because I have already used up the small 100x washed ghee I purchased. It did wonders for my skin and my rosacea. You have a wonderful product, you can be very proud of. Thank you, Barbora!" -Deborah Birnbaum, Texas 

"I just started using your product and I love it! It's decreased my fine lines and lightened my dark spots from sun damage. I've tried many products for my sun damage and nothing works like your ghee. I could literally tell the difference the first week of using it." -Susan, California, United States 

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"Hi Barbora, let me start by telling you I truly appreciate you sharing this beautiful product 100x washed ghee. My dosha is vata and I have extremely sensitive and dry skin. 100x washed ghee is the best product I have ever used. I love the cool feeling I experience when applying it to my face and throat. It is so soothing, moisturizing, my skin is more even toned with a youthful appearance, even taking away the fine line and wrinkles from my 59 year old face. I hope to never be without this miracle product. I use it every night as nighttime treatment and wake up with younger looking soft baby skin. Again, thank-you! 100x washed ghee is a true blessing."-Diana Scott, Texas, United States

"Thank you for your product. I like using the 100x washed ghee, because my skin gets healed from within and it provides calmness to it. It has also put luster to my skin and has improved its evenness. I have been using it for almost 10 months now and will continue to do so." - Rahul, Texas, United States

"I was having a lot of issues with my skin over the past year with many dry patches no matter what product I tried. I came across your website and decided to try the 100x washed ghee since I have used ghee in food for years. I love it! It almost immediately cleared up my dry patches and is not greasy. Thank you for making this wonderful product."-Ashika, New Jersey, United States 

"Dear Barbora, just wanted to let you know that my parcel arrived today morning. I was able to try my 100x washed ghee already. It is beautiful,just soaked into my thirsty dry skin. I'm so grateful. God bless you, Barbora" - Barbara Nowicka, Australia